FOUR Etsy packages in one day!

I didn't realize how much I spoiled myself with the items I seized from some of Etsy's finest. You gotta be quick with these stores. Items sell quick and you gotta get in there! Just don't get in there when I'm shopping!

These are the contents of the opened parcels:

I actually slowed myself down to enjoy the opening of some of the most wonderful items I have yet to purchase from Etsy. Of course I took some pictures to document the occasion for future enjoyment and to give props to these artists.

First package is from
Paperpeacock created by artist Heather Robinson. MAN! I just looked at her sight and there's already new stuff I want! Here we have some uber cool ceramic work. These buttons (and a super neat treat) have been created with considerable attention to detail in shape, form and color. You gotta check out her wall sculptures too.

Next, it's Sandhra Lee with her handcrafted porcelain pendants and buttons that have a fun energy. AND again she has more items listed that I want. Browse on over there and check out her cool buttons and especially those owls. I love the gator pendant. A group of my friends have a MS Paint gator love that one of the group members moved into the polymer clay gator sculpture world. This gator pendant was like reading my mind! The loot:

Here are the Kylie Parrycreations. They are REALLY durable. I've been having some annoying migraine shakes lately and I dropped the umbrella pendant. Of course it would land on my little anvil but the pendant didn't even chip! Such cool designs that each have a unique style. Some how a butterfly flew into my package. Kylie must know magic! =)

Now for the fun metal package from Shannon LeVart of Missficklemedia. All of these metal pieces have been prepared with much time and effort to achieve such beautiful colors and durability. They most deffinitely look so much better in person. Wonderful color shifts and copper sneaking through the patinas. I'm going to have to get some more of these pieces.

Oh and the package I received on Friday from Amanda Davie. The Boston Terrier pendant. It's so smooth and well constructed. Love it! Her packaging is so neat and handmade.

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