Pssh, I'm not that big of a nerd. I just Googled it.
I made some copper bead cages recently. They look neat once they have a patina going on. Well, I think so.
I've been trying to achieve the same look with red brass wire but the 'angles' aren't sharp enough. This is the copper:
Anyhoo, I purchased a handmade Boston Terrier pendant by Amanda Davie and I'm itching like crazy to get it. Etsy goodies in the mail are such a dangerous giddy/high.
Amanda makes awesome jewelry and components. I really really really hope she can make some more unique Boston Terrier items.
I never wanted to be one of 'those animal loving people' that have the bumper stickers, shirts, or sun catchers of their fave pets. But ya know, Boston Terriers are absolutely cool and they beat your kid off the honor roll. So now I've got pictures of my Bostons up in my office and a Boston Terrier computer wallpaper.
It's happening.